![]() Senior Scientist | Academic Qualification:
Years of experience:
Address: ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research Regional Station, Coimbatore 641003, Tamil Nadu, India |
- Computer Applications in Agriculture
- Expert System, Decision Support System
- Android mobile applications
- Web Portal Development
- Geographic Information System
- Economic analyses of cotton
- International Studies on Cotton
- Doctorate Degree (Ph. D.) in Interdiciplinary (Statistics and Geography), University of Madras
- Title of the Thesis: Decision Support System for Cotton Cultivar Selection for different Agro-ecological Zones of India – Thesis web link
- Post Graduate Degree in Statistics, Madras Presidency College, University of Madras, 1991
- Graduate Degree in Statistics, Madras Presidency College, University of Madras, 1989
- 2014 onwards Senior Scientist, ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Ministry of Agriculture, GOI, Coimbatore
- 2011-2014 – Scientist (Selection Grade), ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Ministry of Agriculture, GOI, Coimbatore
- 2006-2011 – Scientist (Sr. Scale) ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Ministry of Agriculture, GOI, Coimbatore
- 2001- 2006- Scientist, ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Ministry of Agriculture, GOI, Coimbatore
- 2000-2001 – Scientist, ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Ministry of Agriculture, GOI, Nagpur
- 1998-2000 – Statistical Inspector at RRII, Rubber Board, Ministry of Commerce, GOI, Kottayam
- 1997-1998 – Research Associate at Madras School of Economics, Chennai
- 1992-1997 – Research Associate at Madras Institute of Development Studies, ICSSR, Chennai
- M. Sabesh, awarded the financial grant for US$ 1400 to attend the World Cotton Researchers Conference – 7 (WCRC-7) in Cairo, Egypt between October 4th and 7th 2022 and present the research paper on Changing Pattern of Cotton Whitefly Infestation Vis-à-Vis Climate Change in India
- M. Sabesh, Novel Ideas to enhance cotton production and value of by-products in Africa, awarded best paper at 14th Network Meeting of southern and Eastern African Cotton Forum by ICAC, Washington in Zimbabe, 2018 (with financial assistance of US$ 1000 for participation in the meeting)
- M. Sabesh , Dr. S. Vennila, Dr. B. Dharajothi, Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan, 2009, Expert system on Cotton Insect Pest under the thematic area Crop Protection. Awarded best poster at the National Symposium on Bt Cotton: Opportunities and Prospects, organized by CRDA, Hisar, 2009
- M. Sabesh , Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan, G Majumdar, 2009, Indian Cotton Portal under the thematic area Crop Production. Awarded best poster at the National Symposium on Bt Cotton: Opportunities and Prospects, organized by CRDA, Hisar, 2009
- K. Sankaranarayanan, A H Prakash, A Manivannan, M Sabesh, 2020, Identification of soil parameters influencing yield and fiber quality in ELS cotton. Awarded best poster at the National Symposium on “Cotton production Technologies in the Next Decade: Problems & Perspectives, organised by OUAT, Bhbaneshwar and CRDA, Hisar, 2020
- Trainer’s Training programme on SAS: A Comprehensive Overview, Conducted by CIFE, Mumbai under NAIP from July 12 to August 13, 2010
- Training programme on Team building, conducted by Yashwantrao Chavan Academy of Development Administration, under NAIP from June 13 to 15, 2009
- Management Development Programme (MDP) on Data Mining & GIS for Decision Support in Agriculture at IIM Lucknow under NAIP during Aug 25-Sep 5, 2008
- Training programme on Recent Advances in the Analysis of Survey Data, conducted by IASRI, New Delhi from November 18 to December 8, 2005
- Introduction to GIS and its Applications, conducted by National Remote Sensing Agency(NRSA), Hyderabad, from Febrary 2 to February 27, 2004
- Foundation Course for Agricultural Research Service, conducted by NAARM from December 1, 2000 to March 30, 2001
- Training of trainers course on GIS application in Decentralised Planning, conducted by NIRD, Hyderabad from November 25 to December 6, 1996
- Application of Statistical Techniques in Hydrology, conducted by Institute of Water Studies, Chennai from January 29 to February 2, 1996
- Principal Investigator – Development of Web-based Cotton Data Query System, 2021-2026
- Co-Principal Investigator – Development of AI enabled pheromone trap for lepidopteran pests and multi-fin glue trap for sucking pests on cotton, 2022-2025
- Co-Principal Investigator – Landscape Diagnostic Survey (LDS) of cotton production practices and crop performance in Maharashtra, 2023-24 (Externally funded project – Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology Commission, Government of Maharashtra)
- Co-Principal Investigator- Awareness extension services on best farm practice for cotton farmers to improve quality, yield and sustainability, 2023-2024 (Externally funded project – Cotton Corporation of India, Ministry of Textile, GOI)
- Nodal Officer for Nagarkurnool District of Telangana State – Special Project on Targeting technologies to agro-ecological zones – Large scale demonstration of best practices to enhance cotton productivity, 2023-2024 (Externally funded project – NFSM, Ministry of Agriculture, GOI)
- Co-Principal Investigator – Development of Extension Model for Promoting the Production of Extra Long Staple Cotton in India, 2019-2021
- Associate – Research study to find the feasibility of conducting AICRP evaluation and research programme for the domain of Agro-Ecological Regional (AER)/ Agro-Ecological Sub-Region (AESR).
- Principal Investigator – Development of interactive decision support systems for cotton pest management with pre-recorded voice modules (ICAR), 2016-2019.
- Co-Principal Investigator – Identifying edaphic & climatic factors influencing Fibre quality parameters in cotton and low micronaire management in ELS Cotton. , 2017-2020
- Co-Principal Investigator – Exploring the productivity potential of long-linted G. arboreum cotton, 2017-2020
- Co-Principal Investigator – Development of IPM strategies to combat whitefly and emerging pests in cotton (NICRA), 2016-2020
- Co-Principal Investigator – Simulation Models/ Sensor based gadgets for Cotton (TMC – MMI- 1.5), 2012-2017
- Co-Principal Investigator – E-Kapas Network and Technology Documentaton (TMC – MMI- 1.6), 2012-2017
- Principal Investigator – MCDA based decision support system for selecting cotton cultivars for different agro climatic conditions, Institute Project (ICAR), 2010-2016.
- Principal Investigator – Indian Cotton Portal, (TMC- MMI), 2007-2012.
- Co-Principal Investigator – Value chain for cotton fiber, Seed, Stalk : an Innovative higher economic returns to farmers and allied stake holders (NAIP), 2008-2012
- Co-Principal Investigator – Research into development of Decision Support Systems for insect pests of major rice and cotton based cropping systems (NAIP), 2008-2012.
- Consortium Partner Associate – AGROWEB (NAIP), 2008-2011
- Co-Principal Investigator – Role of women in cotton based cropping systems of Tamil Nadu (ICAR), 2003-2008
- Principal Investigator – Development of Information System on Cotton (TMC- MM1), 2002-2007.
- Principal Investigator – Development of Expert System on Cotton Insect/Pest (ICAR), 2004-2007.
- Co-Principal Investigator – Study of crop pest interactions for improving cotton pest management (ICAR), 2003-2007
- Co-Principal Investigator – Technology Assessment and Refinement ( TAR/IVLP- NATP), 2002-2006
- Co-Principal Investigator – Socio economic characterisation of cotton based cropping system (NATP), 2002-2004
- Associate- Rubber Demand and Supply Forecasting Model Development, RRII, Rubber Board, Ministry of Commerce, Govt of India, 1999-2000
- Research Associate – Economic Analysis of Environmental Damages by Tannneries and Textile Dyeing industries in Tamil Nadu, funded by UNDP & Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt of India, 1997-1998
- Research Associate – Natural Resource Accounting for Water Resources in Bhavani River Basin, funded by UNDP. 1997.
- Research Associate – Urban Water Supply, funded by Ministry of Urban Affairs and Employment, Govt of India, 1996.
- Research Associate – Solid Waste Management, funded by Environment Resource Management, UK, 1995
- Research Associate – Adult Education Evaluation, funded by Ministry of Human Resource and Development, Govt of India. 1993-94
- M. Sabesh, A. H. Prakash, Rishi Kumar. (2022). Changing Pattern of Cotton Whitefly Infestation Vis-à-Vis Climate Change in India, Book of papers, World Cotton Researchers Conference – 7 (WCRC-7), between 4th and 7th October 2022, Cairo, Egypt.
- A. H. Prakash, K. Sankaranarayanan, M. Sabesh. (2022). Source-sink manipulation to induce reproductive synchrony and enhanced productivity in cotton by plant growth regulators Book of papers, World Cotton Researchers Conference – 7 (WCRC-7), between 4th and 7th October 2022, Cairo, Egypt.
- K. Sankaranarayanan, A. H. Prakash, M. Sabesh. (2022). Effect of sowing time and foliar application of potassium on seed cotton yield on production, Book of papers, World Cotton Researchers Conference – 7 (WCRC-7), between 4th and 7th October 2022, Cairo, Egypt.
- A. H. Prakash, M. Sabesh. (2022). Contribution of AICRP on Cotton in changing Indian cotton scenario. Cotton Innovation, ICRA, Vol-1, issue-11, January 2022
- Sabesh. M. and Prakash. A.H. (2018) Higher Cotton Productivity in Africa – A Socio Economic Analyses, The ICAC Recorder Volume XXXVI, No. 4. pages 4-14 (link)
- Sabesh. M. (2018) Hope and Scope for Enhancing Cotton Production in Africa, The ICAC Recorder. Volume XXXVI, No. 3. pages 18-24 (link)
- Sabesh. M. (2018) Novel Ideas to enhance cotton Production and value of by-products (Selected best paper in the best paper category in the 14th SEACF conference, Harare, Zimbabwe), The ICAC Recorder. Volume XXXVI, No. 3. pages 15-16 (link)
- Joy Das, Raghavendra. K.P., Santosh.H.B., Sabesh. M. and Kranthi.K.R. (2017) Cotton DNA Traceability Technologies, The ICAC Recorder, Vol. XXXV No. 3, September 2017, (Pages 5-15).
- M V Venugopalan, G I Ramkrushna, A J Bagadkar, M. Sabesh, and S B Giredkar (2021). Evaluation of the productivity potential of contemporary G.arboreum cotton genotypes on vertic haplustepts under rainfed conditions. Agropedology, 2021, 30(02), 105-112
- K Sankaranarayanan, A H Prakash, A Manivannan and M Sabesh (2021) Assessing production potential and quality parameters of ELS cotton (Gossypium barbadense) genotypes. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 91 (6): 876–9, June 2021
- M. Sabesh and A H Prakash. 2022. Window of opportunity in natural fiber for Atmanirbhar Bharat. Journal of cotton Research and Development: 36(1), 9-18, January 2022
- Sabesh. M., Prakash A. H. (2020) Inconclusive Price Structure of Indian Textile Fibers: An Analyses, Cotton Statistics & News, Cotton Association of India.2020-21. No 15, 22nd September, 2020 (link)
- Sabesh. M., Prakash A. H. (2019) Fibres for Future – an Indian Perspective, Cotton Statistics & News, Cotton Association of India. 2019-20. No 25, 17th September, 2019 (link)
- Sabesh. M., Prakash A. H. (2019) Does Indian Cotton Engine Need New Track?, Cotton Statistics & News, Cotton Association of India.2019-20. No 20, 13th August, 2019. (link)
- Prakash. A.H., Sankaranarayanan. K., Sabesh. M. (2019) AICRP on Cotton- Fifty years of tireless Research on Nutritional Management for sustainalble cotton production. Indian Journal of Fertilisers 15(4): 450-464, April 2019. (link)
- Sabesh. M., Prakash. A. H. and Bhaskaran. G. (2014) Shift in Indian Cotton Scenario due to Shift in Cotton Technology, Cotton Research Journal, 6(1): 75-82 (2014). (link)
- Sabesh. M., Ramesh. M., Prakash. A. H. and Bhaskaran. G. (2014) Is there any shift in cropping pattern in Maharashtra due to introduction of Bt Cotton, Cotton Research Journal, 6(1): 63-70 (2014). (link)
- Usha Rani. S, Wasnik. S.M., and Sabesh. M. (2014) A critical analysis on issue faced by cotton growers and laboureres in hybrid cotton seed production, Cotton Research journal, 6(1): 71-74 (2014). (link)
- Sabesh. M., Gopalakrishnan. N. (2010) Application of Information and Communication Technology in Cotton Farming, Cotton Research Journal, 1(2): 220-232 (2010)..
- Nandini Gokte-Narkhedkar, Mathur. V.K., Ramasundaram. P., Sabesh. M.. Reproductive Variations in Aphelenchoides besseyi Population. Indian J. Nematol 31(2): 115-119 (2001) (link)
Books authored/edited
- S K Sain, D Monga, M. Sabesh, Y G Prasad, A H Prakash and R K Singh (2023) Diseases and Disorders of Cotton: A Field guide for symptom-based identification and management. ICAR-AICRP on Cotton, ICAR-CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore-641003, Tamil Nadu. Pp 140, ISBN:978-93-5813-167-3
- A H Prakash, K Baghyalakshmi, S Manickam, M. Sabesh, S Sathyakumar, Y G Prasad, and R K Singh (2023) Ajourney of AICRP on Cotton- Compendium of Indian Cotton Varieties and Hybrids. ICAR-AICRP on Cotton, ICAR-CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore-641003, Tamil Nadu. Pp 396, ISBN:978-93-5659-385-5
Book Chapters:
- A. H. Prakash and M. Sabesh. (2023). Technological intervention to enhance cotton productivity in Tamil Nadu. Book on Future prospects of cotton farming in Tamil Nadu, published by TNAU, ISBN: 978-93-80530-20-8
- A. H. Prakash and M. Sabesh. (2022). Production physiology on Cotton. Department of Crop Physiology, published by TNAU, Coimbatore.
- A H Prakash, N Gopalakrishnan, J Annie Sheeba and M. Sabesh. (2021) Production Physiology of Cotton, in Crop Physiology for Sustainable Agriculture, Published by Dept of Crop Physiology, TNAU, Coimbatore. 2021
- A H Prakash, M. Sabesh, J Annie Sheeba. (2021) Physiological Disorder and remedies in Cotton – Book Chapter– Published by SBI, Coimbatore
Popular Articles
- C. Karpagam, K. Rathinavel, Sabesh. M. and A. Amutha. (2016).Sokkanurcluster MGMG scientists apprised technological interventions to farmers in Cotton Innovate 5(8) August 2016 Slump in cotton production (2016) Sabesh. M. and C. Karpagam in Cotton Innovate 2(8) August 2016
- C. Karpagam, Sabesh. M., K. Rathinavel, and M. Amutha (2015). SWOT analysis and road map for implementation at Sokkanur PV in Cotton Innovate 2(10) October 2015.
- C. Karpagam, Sabesh. M., K. Rathinavel, M. Amutha. (2015). Reaching the unreached area under “Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav”. in Cotton Innovate 4(11) November, 2015
Paper Presented in Conference/seminar/symposia (National / International)
- M. Sabesh, A. H. Prakash, Rishi Kumar. (2022). Oral presentation on Changing Pattern of Cotton Whitefly Infestation Vis-à-Vis Climate Change in India, at World Cotton Researchers Conference – 7 (WCRC-7), between 4th and 7th October 2022, Cairo, Egypt.
- A. H. Prakash, K. Sankaranarayanan, M. Sabesh. (2022). Oral presentation on Source-sink manipulation to induce reproductive synchrony and enhanced productivity in cotton by plant growth regulators at World Cotton Researchers Conference – 7 (WCRC-7), between 4th and 7th October 2022, Cairo, Egypt.
- K. Sankaranarayanan, A. H. Prakash, M. Sabesh. (2022). Oral presentation on Effect of sowing time and foliar application of potassium on seed cotton yield on production, at World Cotton Researchers Conference – 7 (WCRC-7), between 4th and 7th October 2022, Cairo, Egypt.
- K. Sankaranarayanan, A H Prakash, A Manivannan, M Sabesh (2020).”Identification of soil parameters influencing yield and fiber quality in ELS cotton” at the National Symposium on “Cotton production Technologies in the Next Decade: Problems & Perspectives, organised by OUAT, Bhbaneshwar and CRDA, Hisar, 2020
- A H Prakash, M V Venugopalan, M Sabesh (2019) Will Cotton Win over Cimate Change in the Asian Condinent? 78th Plenary Meeting of the ICAC, 01-05, December 2019, held at Brisbane, Australia
- Sabesh. M. (2018) Novel Ideas to enhance cotton Production and value of by-products (Selected best paper in the best paper category in the 14th SEACF conference, Harare, Zimbabwe
- Prakash. A.H., Gopalakrishnan.N., Singh.R.K., Sabesh. M. (2017). ICAR-AICRP on Cotton: Five Decades at the Service of Indian Cotton Farmers in the souvenir of Seventh Meeting of Asian Cotton Research and Development Network, held at Nagpur between 15th and 17th September 2017.
- Sabesh. M. (2017). Global Best Practices for Higher Cotton Productivity : Can India Adopt and Improve (Oral Presentation) in the Book of Abstract of Seventh Meeting of Asian Cotton Research and Development Network, held at Nagpur between 15th and 17th September 2017, Page 24).
- Sankaranarayanan, K, A.H.prakash and M.Sabesh. (2015) Optimum times of sowing and Identification of yield influencing weather indices for cotton . Abstract In: National Symposium on “Future Technologies: Indian Cotton in the Next Decade” ANGRAU, Guntur December 17-19, 2015 (poster)
- A. H. Prakash, SESA. Khader, M.Sabesh, R Sita Lexmy, 2014 Hydroponics: A confirmatory tool for nutritional disorder in cotton at 6th International meet of the Asian Cotton Research and Development Network (Oral Presentation) conducted by ICAC held in Dhaka, Bangladesh from June 18-20, 2014.
- Sabesh. M., 2014. Indian cotton scenario: why the stagnation in productivity (Oral Presentation) at Department of Geography, University of Madras February 2014
- Sabesh. M. and G Bhaskaran, 2013. Analytical Hierarchical Process: A Tool for Cotton Cultivar Selection for Different Agro-climatic Zones (Oral Presentation) at 35th Indian Geography Congress hosted by Department of Geography, University of Madras between 12th and 14th December 2013.
- M. Ramesh, Sabesh. M., LGK Naidu, Dipak Sarkar, 2013. Is Digital Terrain Model is Useful for Village or Watershed Level Resource Mapping? (Oral Presentation) at 35th Indian Geography Congress hosted by Department of Geography, University of Madras between 12th and 14th December 2013 .
- Sabesh. M. and A. H. Prakash, 2013. An Exposition of Bt Cotton In India at National Seminar on Technology for Development and Production of rainfed cotton (Oral Presentation) Conducted by Navsari Agricultural University, Bharuch, Gujarat held from 24th to 25th October, 2013.
- Sabesh. M., A H Prakash, K R Kranthi and G Bhaskaran, 2013. Decadal Analyses of Bt Cotton Hybrid on Yield and Fiber Quality in India (Oral Presentation) at National convention on India cotton: gearing up for global leadership at NAU, Surat between 6 and 8 January, 2013
- Sabesh. M., M Ramesh and G Bhaskaran, 2012. Geo-referencing of cadastral map for spatial planning (Oral Presentation) at 34th Annual Conference of the Institute of Indian Geographers (IIG) at Trivandrumfrom from 13th to 15th December. 2012
- Sabesh. M., M.Ramesh P Ravikkumar and G.Bhaskaran, 2012. Geo-referencing of cadastral map for perspective village level spatial planning (Oral Presentation) at National seminar on Geo-Spatial Information for Urban Development at Govt Arts College, Karur, Tamil Nadu during September 2012.
- Sabesh. M., 2012. Decision Support System on cotton cultivar selection (Oral Presentation) at Special lecture section at All India Coordinated Cotton improvement Project (AICCIP) meet at ANGRAU, Hyderabad, April 2012 .
- Sabesh. M. , N. Gopalakrishnan, K R Kranthi and , 2011. Decision support system to select cotton cultivars for exclusive demand (Poster Presentation)at World cotton Research Conference (WCRC-5) at Mumbai, India, November 2011. (Poster Presentation)
- S. Usha Rani, Sabesh. M. and N Gopalakrishnan. 2010. Socio economic implications of Adoption of Bt cotton in India – a Multi Dimensional Analysis, Proceedings of national conference on “Paradigm Shift in Cotton Research and Cultivation” held at NAU, Surat.
- Sabesh. M. , S. Vennila, B. Dharajothi, N. Gopalakrishnan, 2009, Abstract on Expert system on Cotton Insect Pest at the National Symposium on Bt Cotton: Opportunities and Prospects, organized by CRDA, Hisar. Also awarded the best poster/paper for the above presentation under the thematic area Crop Protection.
- Sabesh. M. , N. Gopalakrishnan, G Majumdar, 2009, Abstract on Indian Cotton Portal at the National Symposium on Bt Cotton: Opportunities and Prospects, organized by CRDA, Hisar. Also awarded the best poster/paper for the above presentation under the thematic area Crop Production.
- Sabesh. M. , Paul P Appasamy, Nutrient Budget of Bhavani River Basin (Oral Presentation), paper published at Third International ground water conference on Water Environment and Agriculture – Present problems & Future Challenges, conducted by TNAU, Coimbatore, 2007
- Sabesh. M. , K. Ramamoorthy, Cotton Marketing: Status and Strategies, presented at the 16 th National Conference on Agricultural Marketing, held at 3-5 th January 2003 at IIT Kharagpur.
Research Notes
- Sabesh. M., Cotton Trees Noticed in South Chennai Coastal Area Cotton Innovate, Issue 3; Vol 6, December 2015 (link)
- Sabesh. M., India leading producer of cotton after 50 years. Cotton Innovate, Issue 4; Vol 3, December 2015 (link)
- A H Prakash, Sabesh. M., Hydroponics: a tool to study Nutritional Deficiencies in Cotton published in Cotton Innovate, Issue 1; Vol 12, December 2013 (link)
- A H Prakash, N Goplakrishnan, Sabesh. M., Direct organogenesis from hypocotyl tissues of cotton genotype (Mallika Bt), CICR News letter, April-June 2009. (link)
- P. Ramasundaram, Sabesh. M., N V Shende and Dr. H L Gajbhiye, Contribution of hybrids to cotton productivity, Hybrid Cotton Newsletter, June 2004.
Training Manual
- Developed resource material by training manual on Mass Production of Lecanicillium lecanii for the ARYA-Bio-input youth group under ICAR-KVK, MYRADA (Both Tamil and English version). 2022
- A H Prakash, S Usha Rani, Sabesh. M. and S Sathyakumar. Training manual on Capacity Building Programme on Cotton Production Technologies for the training programme conducted for Odisha State Agriculture Officers during 18-21, November 2019 at ICAR-CICR, RS, Coimbatore.
- Rathinavel. K., S. Manickam and Sabesh. M. (2005). Training Manual on DUS Test in Cotton with reference to PPV&FR legislation, 2001, 19th to 25th January 2005. All India Coordinated Cotton Improvement Project, Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Station, Coimbatore – 641 003.P. 1-201
Lecture Notes
- Sabesh. M., Need of ICT in Cotton Production System at Capacity Building Program on Cotton Production Technologies to Odisa State Agriculture Officersconducted during 18-21, November 2019 at ICAR-CICR, RS, Coimbatore
- Sabesh. M. , G Bhaskaran . Geo-Statistical methods – I, Lecture Notes for M.Tech Geoinformatics, Dept of Geography, University of Madras, 2012
- Sabesh. M. . Computer Applications in agriculture at the training programme on “Quantitative traits – approaches and applications in Plant breeding” conducted by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University during 14:02:2006 to 06:03:2006.
- Sabesh. M.. Creation and maintenance of Cotton Data Base at A national training on DUS test in Cotton with reference the PPV &FR legislation 2001 was organized by AICCIP at Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Station, Coimbatore 2005
- K Ramamoorthy, T P Rajendran, Sabesh. M. . Socio-economic analysis of Organic Cotton for the training programme Organic Cotton Farming conducted at CICR Regional Station, Coimbatore 2004
- Dharajothi B. Amutha. M. and Sabesh. M. (2019) Management of Mirid Bug in Cotton, Published by Project Coordinator, AICRP on Cotton
- Manickam, S, Prakash A H., Sabesh M., Dharajothi., Gulsar Banu J and Sampath Kumar A. (2018) Journey of Cotton Research: A book of research technologies and package of practices developed at ICAR-CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore (Tamil & English).
- Usha Rani S. and Sabesh M. (2018). Compendium on Cotton Technologies Published by Project Coordinator, AICRP on Cotton.
- Venugopalan M V. Prakash A H. Blaise. D. Khader SESA and Sabesh. M. (2017) High Density Planting System: A mitigation strategiy for Climate Change, Published under NICRA project
- Prakash A H., Gopalakrishnan, N., Sabesh M., Usha Rani., Manickam, S., Monga D., Dharajothi., and Sankaranarayanan (2016) 50 years of tireless service to the Indian Cotton Farmers, Golden Jubilee publication, AICRP on Cotton, CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore.
- Prakash A H., Gopalakrishnan, N., Sabesh M., Usha Rani (2016) Morphological Characteristics of ICAR-CICR Cotton Varieties & Hybrids, Golden Jubilee publication, AICRP on Cotton, CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore.
- Prakash A H.,Usha Rani S., Amutha M., Gopalakrishnan., and Sabesh M. (2016) Cotton cultivation – a review (in Tamil) , Golden Jubilee publication, AICRP on Cotton, CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore.
- Sankaranarayanan, K., P. Nalayini , M.Sabesh, S.Usha Rani R.P.Nachane and N. Gopalakrishnan . 2011 Technical bulletin (1/2011) on “Low cost drip – Cost effective and precision irrigation tool in Bt cotton” Published by the project coordinator and Head, Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional station, Coimbatore under National Agricultural Innovation Project on cotton value chain
- Sankaranarayanan, K., P. Nalayini, M.Sabesh, K.Rajendran R.P.Nachane and, N. Gopalakrishnan . 2011. Technical bulletin (2/2011) on “Multi-tier cropping system for profitablity and stability in Bt cotton production” Published by the project coordinator and Head, Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional station, Coimbatore under National Agricultural Innovation Project on cotton value chain
- Gopalakrishnan, N., Usha Rani, S., Shankaranarayanan, K., Sabesh, M and Dharajothi, B (2010) Innovations in Cotton cultivation – an outlook (Tamil). Technical Bulletin No.2/2010. CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore.
- Gopalakrishnan, N., Manickam, S., Sabesh, M. and Usha Rani, S. (2010). All India Coordinated Cotton Improvement Project – In the Service of Indian Cotton Farmers -Technical Bulletin, CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore. (Link)
- Sankaranarayanan, K., Manickam, S., Nalayini. P., Sabesh, M. and Gopalakrishnan, N. (2010). Innovative Production Technologies for ELS Cotton, Technical Bulletin No. 3/2010, Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Station, Coimbatore.
- Sankaranarayanan.K.,, Gopalakrishnan.N,, Sabesh.M. and P. Nalayini – a technical bulletin (2/2009) on Improved Cotton Production technologies (in Tamil) under NAIP project Cotton Value Chain, published by Project Coordinator and Head, CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore, November 2009 .
- Usha Rani. S.,Sabesh.M., Sankaranarayanan. K. and Gopalakrishnan.K. – a technical bulletin (1/2010) on Frequently Asked Questions in Cotton Cultivation
- (in Tamil) published by Project Coordinator and Head, CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore, March 2010.
- Gopalakrishnan.N., Sankaranarayanan. K. and Sabesh. M . Integrated Cotton Production (in Tamil) published by Project Coordinator and Head, CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore, March 2009.
- Vennila. S., Biradar. V. K., Sabesh. M and Bambawale.O.M. (2007). Know Your Cotton Insect Pest: APHIDS, Crop Protection Folder Series: 1 of 11. CICR, Nagpur. (Link)
- Vennila. S., Biradar. V. K., Sabesh. M and Bambawale.O.M. (2007). Know your Cotton Insect Pest: JASSIDS, Crop Protection Folder Series: 2 of 11. CICR, Nagpur. (Link)
- Vennila. S.,Biradar. V. K., Sabesh. M and Bambawale.O.M. (2007). Know your Cotton Insect Pest: THRIPS, Crop Protection Folder Series: 3 of 11.CICR, Nagpur. (Link)
- Vennila. S., Biradar. V. K., Sabesh. M and Bambawale.O.M. (2007). Know your Cotton Insect Pest: WHITEFLIES, Crop Protection Folder Series: 4 of 11. CICR, Nagpur. (Link)
- Vennila. S., Biradar. V. K., Sabesh. M and Bambawale.O.M. (2007). Know your Cotton Insect Pest: SPOTTED AND SPINY BOLLWORMS, Crop Protection Folder Series: 5 of 11.CICR, Nagpur. (Link
- Vennila. S., Biradar. V. K. and Bambawale.O.M. (2007). Know your Cotton Insect Pest: AMERICAN BOLLWORM, Crop Protection Folder Series: 6 of 11.CICR, Nagpur. (Link)
- Vennila. S., Biradar. V. K., Sabesh. M and Bambawale.O.M. (2007). Know your Cotton Insect Pest: PINK BOLLWORM, Crop Protection Folder Series: 7 of 11. CICR, Nagpur. (Link)
- Vennila. S., Biradar. V. K., Sabesh. M and Bambawale.O.M. (2007). Know your Cotton Insect Pest: Defoliators (Semi-looper, Leaf roller & Leaf worm), Crop Protection Folder Series: 8 of 11. CICR, Nagpur. (Link)
- Vennila. S., Biradar. V. K., Sabesh. M and Bambawale.O.M. (2007). Know your Cotton Insect Pest: STAINERS (RED AND DUSKY COTTON BUGS), Crop Protection Folder Series: 9 of 11. CICR, Nagpur. (Link)
- Vennila. S., Biradar. V. K., Sabesh. M and Bambawale.O.M. (2007). Know Your Native Natural Enemies of Cotton Insect Pests! Crop Protection Folder Series: 10 of 11. CICR, Nagpur. (Link)
- Vennila. S., Biradar. V. K., Sabesh. M and Bambawale.O.M. (2007).. Tips on Cotton Insect Pest Management For Production of Good Quality Cotton, Crop Protection Folder Series: 11 of 11.CICR, Nagpur. (Link)
- Vennila. S., Biradar. V. K., Sabesh. M and Bambawale.O.M. (2007). Pictorial Guide on Entomofauna of Cotton Ecosystem, Crop Protection Booklet: 1 of 2 (English Version). CICR, Nagpur.
- Vennila. S., Biradar. V. K., Sabesh. M and Bambawale.O.M. (2007).Kapas Adivasatheel Keedichee Chitra Margadharska, Crop Protection Booklet: 2 of 2. (Marathi Version). CICR, Nagpur.
- Ramamoorthy, K., T. Surulivelu, P. Chidambaram, SESA. Khader, P. Nalayini, S. Manickam, M. Sabesh, S. Usha Rani and N. Sriram. (2001) . Organic Cotton (Tamil), CICR, Coimbatore under TAR/IVLP Project.
- Ramamoorthy, K., T. Surulivelu, P. Chidambaram, SESA. Khader, P. Nalayini, S. Manickam, M. Sabesh, S. Usha Rani and N. Sriram. (2001). Integrated Cotton Management (Tamil), CICR, Coimbatore under TAR/IVLP Project.
Vision Documents
- Kranthi, K.R., Venugopalan,M.V., Sandhya Kranthi, Prakash A H., Monga D, Sabesh, M. and Yadav, M.S. 2015. CICR-Vision 2050, CICR, Nagpur (Link).
- Kranthi, K.R., Venugopalan,M.V., Sabesh, M. and Yadav, M.S. 2011. CICR-Vision 2030, CICR, Nagpur (Link).
Annual Reports
- Prakash, A.H., Manickam, S., Sankaranarayanana. K., Dharajothi, B., Monga, D., Mandhyan. P.K, Sabesh, M. ICAR-AICRP(Cotton) Annual Report (2019-20). CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore. (Link).
- Usha Rani S., Prakash, A.H., Sabesh. M., Manickam, Kamarajudda Vedavyas, AICRP-NFSM-Front Line Demonstration Annual Report (2019-20). CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore. (Link).
- Prakash, A.H., Manickam, S., Sankaranarayanana. K., Dharajothi, B., Monga, D., Mandhyan. P.K, Sabesh, M. ICAR-AICRP(Cotton) Annual Report (2018-19). CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore. (Link).
- Usha Rani S., Prakash, A.H., Sabesh. M., Manickam, Kamarajudda Vedavyas, Soundhar S. AICRP-NFSM-Front Line Demonstration Annual Report (2018-19). CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore. (Link).
- Prakash, A.H., Manickam, S., Sankaranarayanana. K., Dharajothi, B., Monga, D., Mandhyan. P.K, Sabesh, M. and Sathya Kumar, S. ICAR-AICRP(Cotton) Annual Report (2017-18). CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore. (Link).
- Prakash, A.H., Manickam, S., Sankaranarayanana. K., Dharajothi, B., Monga, D., Mandhyan. P.K, Sabesh, M. ICAR-AICRP Bt Cotton Reports (2017-18). CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore. (Link).
- Usha Rani S., Prakash, A.H., Sabesh. M., Manickam, S., Lalitha S. AICRP-NFSM-Front Line Demonstration Annual Report (2017-18). CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore. (Link).
- Prakash, A.H., Manickam, S., Sankaranarayanana. K., Dharajothi, B., Monga, D., Sabesh, M., Usha Rani S. and Sathya Kumar, S. ICAR-AICRP(Cotton) Annual Report (2016-17). CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore. (Link).
- S. Usha Rani, A. H. Prakash, N. Gopalakrishnan, S. Manickam, M. Sabesh, A. Karuppasamy, K Vedavyas, and W. Samuel Kirubakaran AICRP-NFSM-Front Line Demonstration Annual Report (2016-17). CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore. (Link).
- Prakash, A.H., Manickam, S., Sankaranarayanana. K., Dharajothi, B., Monga, D., Sabesh, M. and Sathya Kumar, S. ICAR-AICRP(Cotton) Annual Report (2015-16). CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore. (Link).
- S. Usha Rani, A. H. Prakash, S. Manickam, M. Sabesh, A. Karuppasamy, W. Samuel Kirubakaran. AICRP-NFSM-Front Line Demonstration Annual Report (2015-16). CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore. (Link).
- Prakash, A.H., Manickam, S., Nehra, P.L., Dharajothi, B., Monga, D., Sabesh, M. and Sathya Kumar, S. ICAR-AICRP(Cotton) Annual Report (2014-15). CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore. (Link).
- Prakash, A.H., Manickam, S., Nehra, P.L., Dharajothi, B., Monga, D., Sabesh, M. and Sathya Kumar, S. 2014. AICCIP Annual Report (2013-14). CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore. (Link).
- Kranthi, K.R., Venugopalan,M.V., Sandhya Kranthi., Waghmare, V.N., and Sabesh, M. 2011. CICR Annual Report 2010-11, CICR, Nagpur, India (Link).
- Prakash, A.H., Manickam, S., Nehra, P.L., Mohan, S., Monga, D., Sabesh, M. and Usha Rani, S.. 2012. AICCIP Annual Report (2011-12). CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore. (Link).
- Surulivelu, T., Pramod Pundhir., Nehra, P.L., Monga, D., Manickam, S., Sabesh, M. and Usha Rani, S.. 2011. AICCIP Annual Report (2010-11). CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore. (Link).
- Gopalakrishnan, N., Manickam, S., Sabesh, M. and Usha Rani, S. 2010. AICCIP Annual Report (2009-10). CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore. (Link).
- Gopalakrishnan, N., Manickam, S., Sabesh, M. 2009. AICCIP Annual Report (2008-09). CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore. (Link).
Website Development and Management
- CICR website (www.cicr.org.in) – designed, devaloped and maintaining since 2001
- AICRP on Cotton (www.aiccip.cicr.org.in) – designed, devaloped and maintaining since 2001
- Technology Mission on Cotton (www.tmc.cicr.org.in) – designed, devaloped and maintaining since 2001
- KVK Nagpur (www.kvknagpur.org.in) – technical support and maintenance since 2010
- Social Media – CICR Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ICAR.CICR) since 2013
CD Development
- Developed CD on Cotton Cultivars Version 1.1 & 1.2
- Developed CD on Cotton Digital Image Gallery
- Cotton Information Retrieval System (COTinfo)
- Developed CD on Package of Practice for Cotton for nine cotton growing states
- Bt Cotton Evaluation Reports 2002-03
- Bt Cotton Evaluation Reports 2003-04
- Bt Cotton Evaluation Reports 2004-05
- Bt Cotton Evaluation Reports 2005-06
- Bt Cotton Evaluation Reports 2007-08
- Bt Cotton Evaluation Reports 2008-09
- Bt Cotton Evaluation Reports 2009-10
- AICRP on Cotton Annual Reports, 2008-09 (link)
- AICRP on Cotton Annual Reports, 2009-10 (link)
- AICRP on Cotton Annual Reports, 2010-11 (link)
- AICRP on Cotton Annual Reports, 2011-12 (link)
- AICRP on Cotton Annual Reports, 2012-13 (link)
- AICRP on Cotton Annual Reports, 2013-14 (link)
- AICRP on Cotton Annual Reports, 2014-15 (link)
- AICRP on Cotton Annual Reports, 2015-16 (link)
- AICRP on Cotton Annual Reports, 2016-17 (link)
- AICRP on Cotton Annual Reports, 2017-18 (link)
- AICRP on Cotton Annual Reports, 2018-19 (link)
- M. Sabesh, attended World Cotton Researchers Conference – 7 (WCRC-7), between 4th and 7th October 2022, Cairo, Egypt and presentation on Changing Pattern of Cotton Whitefly Infestation Vis-à-Vis Climate Change in India
- All India Coordinated Research Project on Cotton (AICRP on Cotton), 2020 through video conferencing, hosted by CICR, RS, Coimbatore
- All India Coordinated Research Project on Cotton (AICRP on Cotton), 2021 through video conferencing, hosted by CICR, RS, Coimbatore
- All India Coordinated Research Project on Cotton (AICRP on Cotton), 2022, between April 7-8, 2022 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
- All India Coordinated Research Project on Cotton (AICRP on Cotton), 2023, between April 7-8, 2023 at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab
- Research study find the feasibility of conducting AICRP evaluation and research programme for the domain of Agro-Ecological Regional (AER)/ Agro-Ecological Sub-Region (AESR) – First review meet at CICR, Reginal Station, Coimbatore, 18th September 2019
- All India Coordinated Research Project on Cotton (AICRP on Cotton), South & Central Zone – Annual Group Meet at Gunture, AP 30-31, May 2019
- All India Coordinated Research Project on Cotton (AICRP on Cotton), North Zone – Annual Group Meet at CCS-HAU, Hisar,11th March 2018
- All India Coordinated Research Project on Cotton (AICRP on Cotton), Annual Group Meet at CCS-HAU, Hisar, April 2018
- Seventh Meeting of Asian Cotton Research and Development Network, held at Nagpur between 15th and 17th September 2017.
- All India Coordinated Research Project on Cotton (AICRP on Cotton), Annual Group Meet at TNAU, Coimbatore, April 2017
- Fifty Years of Cotton Research- Lessons Learnt and the Way Forward, Brain storming session 9-10, November, 2016 at CICR, Coimbatore
- All India Coordinated Research Project on Cotton (AICRP on Cotton), Annual Group Meet at NAU, Surat, April 2016
- All India Coordinated Research Project on Cotton (AICRP on Cotton), Annual Group Meet at TNAU, Coimbatore, April 2015
- All India Coordinated Research Project on Cotton (AICRP on Cotton), Annual Group Meet at PAU, Ludhiana, April 2014
- 35th Indian Geography Congress hosted by Department of Geography, University of Madras between 12th and 14th December 2013.
- National convention on India cotton: gearing up for global leadership at NAU, Surat between 6 and 8 January, 2013
- 34th Annual Conference of the Institute of Indian Geographers (IIG) at Trivandrumfrom from 13th to 15th December. 2012
- National seminar on Geo-Spatial Information for Urban Development at Govt Arts College, Karur, Tamil Nadu during September 2012.
- All India Coordinated Cotton improvement Project (AICCIP) Annual Group Meet at ANGRAU, Hyderabad, April 2012 .
- World cotton Research Conference (WCRC-5) at Mumbai, India, November 2011.
- All India Coordinated Cotton improvement Project (AICCIP) Annual Group Meet at CCS-HAU, Hisar, April 2011 .
- All India Coordinated Cotton improvement Project (AICCIP) Annual Group Meet at MPUAT, Udaipur, April 2010.
- National Symposium on Bt Cotton: Opportunities and Prospects, organized by CRDA, Hisar. 2009.
- All India Coordinated Cotton improvement Project (AICCIP) Annual Group Meet at ANGRAU, Hyderabad, April 2009.
- All India Coordinated Cotton improvement Project (AICCIP) Annual Group Meet at PAU, Ludhiana, April 2008.
- Third International ground water conference on Water Environment and Agriculture – Present problems & Future Challenges, conducted by TNAU, Coimbatore, 2007
- All India Coordinated Cotton improvement Project (AICCIP) Annual Group Meet at NAU-Navsari, April 2007.
- All India Coordinated Cotton improvement Project (AICCIP) Annual Group Meet at TNAU, Coimbatore, April 2003.
Other Assignments and Membership:
- Committee- Member Secretary – Research study find the feasibility of conducting AICRP evaluation and research programme for the domain of Agro-Ecological Regional (AER)/ Agro-Ecological Sub-Region (AESR) – (2019-20)
- Nodal Officer – KRISHI Portal for ICAR-CICR since 2013
- Nodal Officer and Web Adminstrator for Indian Cotton Portal (www.cicr.org.in) since 2001
- Associate Editor – Cotton Innovate since 2017
- Member – AICRP on Cotton Technical cell since 2007
- Member – Cotton Weekly Advisory Team for the years since 2013
- Member, sub-committee constituted by Ministry of Textile, to study on latest developments in cotton farming across the world and submit a report suggesting best practices in cotton cultivation for adoption in India to improve productivity and sustainable production of cotton, 2016
- Member Monitoring team for Bt Cotton trial evaluation in North Zone( Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan) , September 2016
- Member Monitoring team for Bt Cotton, AICRP on Cotton and FLD trial evaluation in North Zone( Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan) , June 2017
- Member Monitoring team for Bt Cotton, AICRP on Cotton and FLD trial evaluation in South Zone( Karnataka, Telangana, Andhrapradesh and Tamil Nadu) , November, 2017
- Member Monitoring team for Bt Cotton, AICRP on Cotton and FLD trial evaluation in Central Zone ( Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat) , October 2018
- Member Monitoring team for Bt Cotton, AICRP on Cotton and FLD trial evaluation in Central Zone ( Odisa, Maharashtra) , September 2019
- Reviewer International Journal of Agricultural Sciences since 2018
- Reviewer ISCI – Cotton Research Journal since 2013
- Life Member Indian Society for Cotton Improvement (ISCI), Mumbai since 2002
- Life Member Cotton Research and Development Association (CRDA), Hisar since 2006
- Life Member, International Cotton Researchers Association, Washington
- Co-convener for the CICR, Regional station, Coimbatore for conducting Kisan Samriddhi Mela 2018 during 24-25, August 2018 at Coimbatore